Saturday, November 17, 2007

Tuesday Night's Milestone

(originally posted 8/10/07)

I wasn't going to comment on that baseball milestone that occurred on Tuesday night. But it seems that the end of this bloody struggle should not pass unmarked. It should be commemorated in words. Because words offer the means to meaning, and for those that would listen, the annunciation of truth. And the truth is, I am flipping glad he finally got that magic number on Tuesday night. I am sick of all of the media coverage following the damn chase. All of the questions of whether the number is tainted, questions of asterisks, questions of how his head got so damn big. Fairness and justice are more than words, they are perspectives. Tuesday night was marked by a tremendous accomplishment. J. D. Durbin recorded his first career save. Words will always retain their power, so let me leave you with these. J. D. Durbin IS The Real Deal.

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